
#90 || “And when nobody wakes you up in the morning, and when nobody waits for you at night, and when you can do whatever you want. What do you call it, freedom or loneliness?”


Perhaps it was from May until maybe even the other day, I woke up in this nightmarish haze where it didn't seem real that everything had disappeared. People fear the prospect of abandonment and rejection but to experience it in the abundance that I did last year -- that unexpected and maybe self-inflicted loss was unlike anything I could have ever imagined was possible. Then the sensation suddenly became an addiction ;; I found myself reaching out to those who I knew didn't want to remember I existed, to hurt my heart with the feeling of being forgotten, over and over again. Like some kind of quasi-defense mechanism, it became easier to anticipate heartache and prompt it, than to even hope for the best.

I'm learning every day that the unconditional love that exists in songs and films and storybooks is more rare than I ever thought, it may even be endangered. We live in a world that is constantly manufacturing copies and concepts that make individuals less unique and less accommodating to uniqueness and singularity unless it acts in their favour. We're all so desperate to make an impression and to be loved that anything is better than something special, and that doesn't even count the irrational infatuation that we can't let go of despite all logic and common sense.

There is a fine balance that can exist but it doesn't, not right now. Loyalty and security and love mean next to nothing if there isn't anything to gain from it. We all feel so personally attacked by something so boundless and immeasurable and unforgiving and undiscriminating. Maybe it's ego or maybe we're frightened. In this moment, all I know is that it's okay to change your mind and your opinion and everything you are if you believe your actions are right and kind and won't break anybody's heart without reason.


That's all. Love (if it even exists anymore), A. xo